Working: 8.00am - 5.00pm


Put The Lights On Energy And The Environment Have Always Been And Will Continue To Be Closely Linked. All Energy Is, At Bottom, Either Derived Or Captured From The Environment Around Us. According To The World Bank, As Renewable Power And Storage Technologies Become Cheaper And More Efficient They Will Gradually Allow For The Implementation Of Cheaper Mini-grids And Smart Grids, Increasingly Within The Reach Of The Poor, Even In Urban Areas.

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climate change
Climate Change

We know that the primary driver of climate change is GHG emissions, with human-caused emissions as the major contributor. According to World Economic forum, women are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and unsustainable practices seeing as they often have no independent income or land rights. In many countries including Uganda, women are responsible for the provision of water and food for their families and when the usual sources of these resources are disrupted, women are forced to move farther and spend more time working for fewer returns. We acknowledge that scarcity leads them to make difficult decisions like pulling children out of school or deciding which family member can afford to skip a meal.

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JBN recognizes that irrigation practices usually lead to overuse of water, land degradation, and downstream pollution (pesticides, herbicides, etc.). The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) claims that irrigation already consumes 20–30 percent of the planet’s available freshwater resources. A study conducted by the United Nations Environment Programme found that “half of the world’s irrigated land has been affected by water- logging, salinity, or alkalinity. We help our clients identify challenges like effectively managing catchment areas while providing clean water and sanitation locally, and not disrupting water downstream.

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water, sanitation and hygiene
Water, Sanitation And Hygiene

Women in utilities JBN understands that WASH is the subject of dedicated targets within the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 6). Moreover, women play a crucial role in managing and safeguarding water at the domestic and community levels. According to WHO, 2019, contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio. Absent, inadequate, or inappropriately managed water and sanitation services expose individuals to preventable health risks. Therefore, we at JBN help clients meet the challenges posed by the management of water resources in the area in order to realize global strategies and measures comprising of responsible consumption, treatment, research, infrastructure, and innovation.

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roads and transport
Roads And Transport

We understand that environmental impacts of infrastructure may be positive or negative and can occur during the construction, operation, upgrade and decommissioning or disposal of infrastructure. Rural road construction can also contribute to environmental damage, both directly and indirectly. The direct effects include erosion and sedimentation. Unpaved forest roads can be a major cause of erosion, gullying, etc. according to the World Bank, Infrastructures are at the very heart of economic and social development.

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urban development
Urban Development

We grasp that investing in Urban resilience through promoting and protecting sustainable development is the future. According to the World Bank, over 50% of the global population lives in urban areas today. By 2045, the world\'s urban population will potentially increase by 1.5 times to 6 billion. As cities develop, their exposure to climate and disaster risk also increases. We therefore guide our clientele in their plans for sustainable growth and providing basic services, infrastructure, and affordable housing their expanding

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oil exploration
Oil Exploration

As for now, Oil and Gas is best prospect industry sector for Uganda with about 1.4 billion barrels of oil estimated to be economically recoverable in western Uganda. JBN understands that the industry is facing major concerns like climate change and global warming. We assist our clients recognize the actual scope of these challenges and help them address their implications and impacts by offering solutions based on industry management practices.

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trade and commerce
Trade And Commerce

Recently, the African Union has launched the operational phase of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). AfCFTA is an opportunity for member countries and companies to help each other grow. We know that the world needs to strengthen the global trading system to promote greater inclusiveness and help developing countries including Uganda address trade-related constraints to growth

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According to WHO, the life expectancy at birth in Uganda rose from 45.7 years to 62.2 years for males and 50.5 years to 64.2 years for females over the period 1991 to 2014. The report also highlights the country’s burden of disease is dominated by communicable diseases accounting for over 50% of morbidity and mortality rates including Malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB, and respiratory, diarrheal, epidemic-prone and vaccine-preventable diseases are the leading causes of illness and death. The major challenges affecting the health system are the lack of resources to recruit, deploy, motivate and retain human resources for health, particularly in remote localities; ensuring quality of the health care services delivered; ensuring reliability of health information in terms of the quality, timeliness and completeness of data; and reducing stock-out of essential/tracer medicines and medical supplies.

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According the World Economic Forum, Africans make up 12% of the world’s population but only 2.5% of the world’s passengers. Airport infrastructure in most African countries Uganda included is outdated and not built to serve the growing volume of passengers or cargo. In an effort to modernize the infrastructure, JBN offers stakeholders knowledge and strategizes to successfully set up aviation infrastructure and operations.

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